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Hierarchy In Design – A Graphic Designers Perspective

As a graphic designer, it is our responsibility to communicate through imagery and typography to the world our message. To do so we find imagery that reflects an emotion or we create a design that evokes a feeling or a call to action and in some instances, that may be all we need. More often…

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Intent & Context – Reaching Customers More Easily With Enhanced Campaigns

As marketers we’ve always known the importance of knowing our customers, but has that changed now that the way our customers search for products and services has changed so drastically? In just a few short years our connectivity has started to create some chaos. Everyday millions of people are searching for millions of products in what seems…

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Enhanced Adwords Campaigns – First Impressions

Are you reading this post on your smartphone or tablet? It’s been suggested that mobile devices will outnumber desktop devices by the end of this year. As online advertisers and PPC managers this is something we need to pay close attention to. The way people are searching for things online has vastly changed in the…

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Automotive PPC & Mobile – What You Need To Know

You’ve probably seen it, it’s been passed around many times over the past few months, since it was released November of last year, just a little over 2 months ago. I’m talking about the Mobile Path to Purchase that Neilson put together, the very same study where they found that 36% of mobile automotive searchers…

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Digital Fixed-Ops, Making The Case

Take a look at most dealership websites and you will notice that the vast majority of them are weighted heavily in favor of sales. In fact, if you take a look at their digital fixed-ops content you will notice that it accounts for about 5-15% of the websites real estate. Why do you think that…

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Holistic Digital – Integrating Your Dealerships Online Marketing

There is more to internet marketing than just SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay-per-click). Most dealerships understand the importance of both SEO and PPC but usually they are performed by separate companies. Then there are those that bring in yet another company to do their social and newsletter offerings, among other things. While I…

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Social Purpose – It Matters More Than You Think

What’s your social purpose? In a recent study the Edelman PR group found that 87% of global consumers believe that a business should place at least as much weight on the interest of society as they do on  their interest of business. Serial entrepreneur Richard Branson pushes forth the idea in his book, Screw Business…

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Automotive Social Media Manager – A Job Description

Job Specification The Automotive Social Media Manager will implement the dealership’s Social Media Strategy, develop brand awareness, generate inbound traffic, create ongoing training for employees, manage the dealers reputation online, and encourage social media adoption. This role coordinates with the internal Marketing and PR teams to support their respective missions, ensuring consistency in voice and…

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Google Is Knocking, Is Your SEO Provider Giving It What It Wants?

Knock, knock. Do you hear that sound? Google wants to index your site but you aren’t answering the door with good content. It’s like your mom knocking on the door and you answering it, but are afraid to let her in because your house isn’t inviting. Heck, she may not even come in after she…

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The 4 Parts Of The Automotive Digital Marketing Core

There is a lot to digital marketing, everything from pay-per-click and automotive SEO to automotive social media, remarketing, video pre-roll, email, and more. I get asked the question a lot, “David, do I have to do them all?” There is no short answer because they do all have their place in the digital space but…

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5 Content Marketing Tips To Include In Your Dealerships Social Strategy

Content is king. That’s not the first time you’ve heard that, nor will it be your last. I do have a question though, why aren’t more dealerships creating more content? One of the most effective and low cost ways to drive traffic is through the creation of relevant and engaging content. Content can be blog…

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