How can we help?
Pay-per-click advertising is a central part of online marketing. 3GEngagement runs powerful PPC campaigns designed not only for your ads to get clicks, but also for the ads to get in front of people who are looking for your products and services. At the end of the day, we're not your typical internet and digital marketing company. We value transparency and results. It's why we work with our clients, so everyone is on the same page. We also regularly provide detailed performance reports so you always know how your marketing investment is doing.
Search engine optimization is a hugely important part of generating leads, and 3GEngagement does SEO right with unique pages that are optimized to perform well in search engine result pages. We don't simply copy and paste a generic paragraph or two on your existing web page: we create new, unique content that provides a consistently positive experience for potential customers visiting your website. Additionally, we create unique graphics that make your site look great and draw more people in.
From microsites to blogs to full websites, 3GEngagement can create a wide variety of websites to match your needs. We don't rely on cookie-cutter templates: each site is custom to the dealership! We also create custom sites for special events, community fundraisers, and more.
Digital Fixed Ops
3GEngagement was the first company. All others built their companies and strategy around what we were doing. And it took them three plus years to even try to copy what we were doing. Because our clients fixed ops departments were dominating the market, OEM's hired Chris Hanson, our CEO to put on digital fixed ops workshops around the country training both their employees and dealerships.
Reputation Management
Reputation can and does make the difference between successful businesses and those that struggle. People who are reading the online reviews for your dealership are making decisions that can either create or cost you opportunities for sales. This is where our online dealership reputation management can make a big difference for you.
Agency and Corporate Digital Training
3GEngagement offers both in-house and distance training on subjects like lead handling, inbound lead generation, phone skills, digital marketing, sales training, and social marketing. We understand the automotive industry, and we bring a lot of experience to the table when training.
3GEngagement offers a wide variety of workshops designed to help your dealership enjoy even greater success. Both sales and fixed ops personnel can benefit from these workshops and learn more about improving their craft. We've held workshops on the OEM level, the regional level, and the dealership level, and we even offer workshops at the 3GE headquarters.
Contact Us
From microsites to blogs to full dealership sites with inventory, 3GEngagement can create a wide variety of websites to match your needs. We don't rely on cookie-cutter templates: each site is custom to the dealership! We also create custom sites for special events, community fundraisers, and more.