Our Automotive Pay-Per-Click Process
3GEngagement has a uniquely involved way of dealing with PPC campaigns, and our attention to detail provides impressive results. We have a dedicated team of people who handle these campaigns, and they're always looking for ways to improve things. Though we use a three-step system that has worked time and time again, we also work closely with you and customize your experience to make sure that your business is getting only the best. After all, nobody knows the ins and outs of your business like you do. Keep reading to see how our process makes us unique, or contact us with any other questions.
How Is Our Process Different?
Many companies use a one-size-fits-all approach to PPC, treating all their clients the exact same way. 3GEngagement is different. We understand that your business is unique, and we treat it that way. We don't change a few specifics on a template and call it good: instead, we create PPC campaigns specifically designed for your dealership. Our three-step process of researching, tracking, and fine-tuning is designed to make sure you get the most out of your campaign.

We Do Our Research
Because each business is unique, researching and gathering information is a crucial part of our process when we start a PPC campaign. We focus on gathering information in these six areas in particular:
- Competitor Analysis
- Keyword Research
- KPI Analysis
- Brand Standards
- Client Input
- Analytics Configuration
Focusing on this information allows us to set up a campaign that's truly customized to your needs. This brings us to the second step of our process.
Campaign Tracking
Many companies simply set up a campaign, let it run, and hope for the best--but setting up a campaign is only the beginning at 3GEngagement. We continually check the data to ensure that it's meeting the key performance indicators set up in the first step. We track form leads, phone calls, and more, all to ensure that the quality and quantity of leads will be high.
We're Always Looking for Ways to Improve
We believe that constant improvement is possible, which is why we continue to fine-tune your automotive PPC campaigns to make them even better. We'll add keywords and negative keywords to reach more potential customers who are looking for what you offer. We'll also split-test ad copy to see what performs best, adjust the time of day when ads run most, and perform various other adjustments!
Customer-Centered Philosophy
We center our business on the understanding that our clients are the top priority. Whether you want to be highly involved in the entire process or just sit back and let us handle everything, we're pleased to accommodate. This is about you, after all, and we want to make sure you have the best possible experience.
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